About The Heretic
The Heretic came to life as an experiment. I wanted to have a way to share thoughts and ideas which felt less polished than a blog post and more meaningful than a tweet.
So I set up a newsletter. Originally I planned on sending an email every once in a while, talking about whatever comes to mind. Turns out – I obsess about entrepreneurship, startups, makers, creators, rebels and misfits. People and ideas who and which change the world. And so I ended up sending out my little newsletter to a small and growing community of like-minded people on a daily basis.
Today The Heretic is, at its core, a newsletter. And so much more. We are a community of tens of thousands of crazy people. And you should join.
You can learn more about me and my background on my personal homepage and LinkedIn. I co-created the GyShiDo movement, which you should sign up to. And don’t be a stranger – leave comments, send me emails & tweets and connect with me.