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Nov 12th, 2014 Share: Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn

Cut The Jargon

For some bizarre reason some people think they need to use a bunch of jargon (or worse buzzwords) to make themselves sound smart. Sadly I hear a lot of entrepreneurs fall into the same trap. They string sentences filled with as many hip buzzwords as they can come up with, create elaborate sentence structures which would make every politician blush and generally can’t shut up talking.

Tell you what — you are doing yourself a disservice. The strongest pitches are the ones which are sharp, clear and to the point. Short sentences. Clear language.

Albert Einstein said “If you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself.”

I recently brought this topic up with my VC friends (representing some of the most important and influential VC firms in the Valley). When it came up literally everybody rolled their eyes and mentioned that they zone out when they get pitched by entrepreneurs using jargon and buzz-speak.

Do yourself a favor and drop the jargon. You’ll sound smarter when you speak in clear, short sentences which make sense. :)

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