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Jul 7th, 2022 Share: Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn

Do One Thing

Quite a while ago a friend of mine remarked that if we would only read one (good) book on, say, productivity and spend our time and energy on implementing the insights from this one book, we would all do well. Instead, many of us read ten books on a given subject (and, of course, subscribe to ten more newsletters, listen to ten more podcasts, and watch, at least, ten YouTube videos on the topic) and implement none of the advice — or all of the advice but don’t stick to any particular one for more than a day.

I was reminded of her words when I was asked by a participant in one of our programs at be radical: “What is your advice in implementing all the tools and frameworks you just presented?” Channeling my friend, I responded with: “Pick one tool or framework you find most relevant and/or which gives you the biggest bang for your buck in your current situation, and implement it. Don’t do more than one, and don’t approach another one before you have firmly established the first one.”

If this rings true — pick one thing you want to change, try, or implement and do this (and forget about all the rest — at least until you have either succeeded or failed in doing your one thing).

One thing. What is yours?

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